The St. Anne Shield

Welcome to the St. Anne Yearbook Staff

Friday, September 14, 2012

Taking Photos

When taking Photos on campus or of St. Anne events off of campus is it more important to get a lot of people in a few pics or a few people in a lot of pics? and why?
Is it better to get photos close up of people or far away? and why
I am hoping that more then 5 people realize it is necessary to hit the blog and respond by next Thursday!!!


  1. I think it's more important to take pictures of a lot of people in a few pictures because then there's more people to be in the yearbook and I think far away pictures are better because you can zoom

  2. I think it's important to have both pictures of a lot of people and a few people and from close up or far away so we can have varity in our pictures.

  3. I think it is important to have many close up pictures and some pictures from far away because there should be variety in the types of pictures. Also, the far away pictures should be group shots and close ups should be of one or two people so we should have both.

  4. i think it is important to have both of these pictures in the yearbook because when you do collages you want to have one or two people in one picture and then maybe 5-10 in another. It makes it more fun and creative. So it shouldn't matter which one we do.

  5. I think that we should take many pics with a few people in each one. I saw that since we want many pictures with a variety of people in each. I think that there would be an average of 3-4 people in each picture. I also think that most of our pictures should be close ups since we want clarity of the people in them and we also want to easily distinguish who's in the pictures

  6. i think that there should be pictures of one person because there isnt that many pictures of a group in the yearbook i think that it should be either close up or medium length so that way we know who is in which picture

  7. I think there should be a lot of pics of a few people that way we can get everyone in that grade level in the collogue and there will be a lot of pics of themselves in the collogue. I also think that the pics shouldn't be blurry or so far away that you can't tell who it is in the picture.
