The St. Anne Shield

Welcome to the St. Anne Yearbook Staff

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Grade Level Work

Here is a time for you to be very honest regarding your effort towards your grade level in the book or your role assigned on the staff.
How much work/effort have you really put in? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks?
Is there tangible work/material/information to show your effort?
Again - your ability to post to the blog has already shown tremendous effort by some!!


  1. I have only worked during 0 period yearbook. which is 30 minutes everyday tuesday,wednesday, and thursday since school has started. Most of the work has been taking pictures, discussing the yearbook and I am now just starting to do work that will show my effort.

  2. I have worked during the yearbook period uploading pictures. I started making the first video, so that could show I've been working.

  3. i have really been working during zero period which is only 1 hour and 3 minutes a week. I have done little things outside zero period such as talking to my teachers and taking pictures of them. But from now on I am going to work really hard on everything Mr. B needs me to do.

  4. I have been working in yearbook 0 period for 30 minutes a day, three days a week. When I am not in yearbook class, I have been taking pictures of third grade, interviewing teacher, and getting dates for upcoming events.

  5. In yearbook I have been uploading pictures and almost finished my cover page for my grade and outside of class I have taken pictures and introduced myself to all of of my teachers and have interviewed a few.

  6. I have only worked during 0 period and I have taken pictures of each Class in my assighned grade level. I also took pictures during buddy day with can also be used for 8th grade since the 8th grade buddies are 2nd graders. I still have not talked to the teachers yet.
