The St. Anne Shield

Welcome to the St. Anne Yearbook Staff

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Personal Responsibility
"Photo Assignment"
I would like to hear about the difficulties taking a Posed and Candid picture, adding a caption, saving as a JPEG and uploading the JPEG to the Jostens website.
Despite the week long extension - Please describe!!!


  1. I do not think that it was a difficult task, but because i forgot about the assignment it became most stressful when i had to cram it all in. Which i now it is my fault i forgot to do that, Thank you for the extension you gave us! it allowed me enough time to finish.

  2. I was not difficult at all it was just I am not very good with computers and I forgot about the project so I had to do it the night before it was due and found out that none of the computers at my house have publisher. So I had to go to my neighbors house to do the project. I also forgot how to upload on to the website it took a while but I figured it out.

  3. It wasn't a difficult task because once you figured out how to do it it's really easy.

  4. This was a very easy assignment but the only thing that is going to kill me is that i accidentally uploaded the pictures to the 1st grade instead of uploading them to PhotoAssignment and then realizing i can't use those. Uploading the pictures to Jostens was really easy though.

  5. I thought that to take a candid picture is very easy if you have the right setting for it. Although, I thought that downloading it, saving it, and writing a caption underneath it was harder than it sounds. (That is just my personal observation).

  6. This was not challenging at all, however I did spend 30 mins trying to figure it out on photoshop (which is very new to me) but once you know how to do it, its super easy to navigate.

  7. It was a really easy task I just forgot.
