The St. Anne Shield

Welcome to the St. Anne Yearbook Staff

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pictures - More or Less

Simple Question
Have you taken enough pictures of your Grade level? Have you done enough to take pictures of your grade levels at different times of the day instead of the same time - Nutrition or Lunch?


  1. I have not taken nearly enough pictures of my grade and I have only taking pictures at lunch and nutrition but this Friday I am hoping to get a lot more pictures of the kids in their Halloween costumes.

  2. I am aware that i have not taken enough pictures of the pre-schoolers. That is one of the few things that i will be improving. I am not trying to make excuses but i have noticed that the times i am available to take pictures of the pre-schoolers is not a good time to come, according to the teachers. This is one of the things i will be working out.

  3. I don't have a grade level, but I'm still not taking enough pictures so I will try to do that more.

  4. I definetly feel I have not been taking enough pictures. That is mostly due to the fact that I have been on camera restriction for most of the year. So once I can get a camera again, I will take a lot of pictures and be careful not to loose/leave any pieces of or the actual camera.

  5. For my grade level, I don't think that I am doing the best job that I could be doing right now, but I am getting dates on upcoming events and special occasions to take pictures for. I am also setting up my teacher interviews as well.

  6. I have taken a lot of pictures but I am planning to take more. I have taken them throughout the day at different times.

  7. I still need more pictures but I have most of the major thing that 2nd grade has done so far.
